This year I created some new crochet designs for Christmas and I'm very happy with the result. As usual, I created patterns to let you crochet them if you wanted. Some of them are available in my Etsy and Ravelry shops. You can find the others in the December issues of Pattern Pack Pro and Happily Hooked Magazine. First of all, I want to present you my new Christmas Tree:
I already have a Crochet Christmas Tree pattern in my shops and it is really a real star: this pattern is downloaded all the year long. This time I wanted to create a furry one and it is very cute too. It's a real pleasure to have unique Christmas Tree at home, something that no one has and everyone admires. It's fantastic to imagine it and make your dream come true. I share it with you and even give you advice on how to create your own, different Christmas Trees in my pattern.
If you are looking for new ornaments for your Christmas Tree, you'll find many beautiful ideas in this month's Pattern Pack Pro Issue #39 Ornaments. Click here and get a 20% discount on your monthly or yearly subscription. My Christmas Ball is even on this issue's cover:
In addition to this, you'll find other decoration ideas in this 4 in 1 pattern, also available in my Etsy shop (see above):
Don't forget to check out my previous years Christmas crochet and knit patterns and not only. Why not my realistic flowers?
Last thing: if you are looking for the last minute gifts ideas, the new issue of the Happily Hooked Magazine is coming soon and this is it's theme and I even give you a sneak peek of my design you'll find in it:
Enjoy your Christmas crocheting!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families!